Lodge Locator Carthage Lodge No. 181

Interested in joining Carthage No. 181?


Thank you for inquiring about becoming a member of Carthage No. 181! You have made the first step in becoming a part of the world's oldest and largest fraternity. Please complete the form below and a representative of Carthage 181 will contact you and help answer any questions you may have.

If you are unsure of what lodge you would like to join please complete the generic form and a representative from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina will contact you and help you find a lodge.

Personal Information

Contact Information

Birth Date and Location



General Information

Street Address
302 Saunders St.
Carthage , NC   28327


Master Matthew Northen
Senior Warden Samuel Gilliland
Junior Warden Jeffrey Taylor
Treasurer William Patrick
Secretary Herman Reeves

Upcoming Events

  • JAN
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    Event Details: Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    The Carthage Lodge #181 Worshipful Master will conduct a Stated Communication at our lodge.  The Gavel will drop at 7 pm.  Please join us as we conduct the business of the lodge, continue our Masonic Education and dwell in Masonic fellowship.  If there are any questions or if you need assistance in coming to the lodge, please contact one of our lodge officers.  We are here to help in any manner.  For a detailed list of our meetings, events, and overall info please go to

    7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    Carthage, NC
  • FEB
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    Event Details: Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    The Carthage Lodge #181 Worshipful Master will conduct a Stated Communication at our lodge.  The Gavel will drop at 7 pm.  We will have a meal in our fellowship hall at 6:15 pm.  Please join us as we conduct the business of the lodge, continue our Masonic Education and dwell in Masonic fellowship.  If there are any questions or if you need assistance in coming to the lodge, please contact one of our lodge officers.  We are here to help in any manner.  For a detailed list of our meetings, events, and overall info please go to

    7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    Carthage, NC
  • FEB
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    Event Details: Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    The Carthage Lodge #181 Worshipful Master will conduct a Stated Communication at our lodge.  The Gavel will drop at 7 pm.  Please join us as we conduct the business of the lodge, continue our Masonic Education and dwell in Masonic fellowship.  If there are any questions or if you need assistance in coming to the lodge, please contact one of our lodge officers.  We are here to help in any manner.  For a detailed list of our meetings, events, and overall info please go to

    7:00 PM
    Carthage, NC
  • MAR
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    Event Details: Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    The Carthage Lodge #181 Worshipful Master will conduct a Stated Communication at our lodge.  The Gavel will drop at 7 pm.  We will have a meal in our fellowship hall at 6:15 pm.  Please join us as we conduct the business of the lodge, continue our Masonic Education and dwell in Masonic fellowship.  If there are any questions or if you need assistance in coming to the lodge, please contact one of our lodge officers.  We are here to help in any manner.  For a detailed list of our meetings, events, and overall info please go to

    7:00 PM
    Carthage, NC
  • MAR
    Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    Event Details: Carthage 181 Stated Meeting

    The Carthage Lodge #181 Worshipful Master will conduct a Stated Communication at our lodge.  The Gavel will drop at 7 pm.  Please join us as we conduct the business of the lodge, continue our Masonic Education and dwell in Masonic fellowship.  If there are any questions or if you need assistance in coming to the lodge, please contact one of our lodge officers.  We are here to help in any manner.  For a detailed list of our meetings, events, and overall info please go to

    7:00 PM
    Carthage, NC